10 July 2013

Emo Sundal Bolong

I know 5 years doesnt sound so much to most people . I've been in longer relationship too but when you are in love with someone , 5 years means forever to her .. To be frank i am happy seeing you guys contacting each other back .. But with all those shitty things mungkin sudah tertulis tuhan tak mengizinkan korg bersama ! Redha ye sayang ! Serious aku tak tau macam mana nak pujuk hati kau tapi belajar redha tu penting ! Dia adalah sejenis lelaki yang selayaknya kau tinggalkan ! You did a good job sayang .. I was in your shoes back in 2006 , aku faham rasa tu . Rasa kehilangan tu sesuatu yang memedihkan . I used to asked life .. Why life are so difficult .. But life didnot answering my question , I knw I have to look for it .. Same goes to you my dear baby ..  you are not the blady asshole ! She is the barbie bitch ! Or maybe hes the sweet jerk one ! Be strong ok !!! :)

Jodoh ajal semua kerja tuhan , berusaha tu penting selebihnya tuhan jua yang menentukannya

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